Jenkins Secret with Special Characters Gets Truncated in Shell Script: A Comprehensive Guide to Resolving the Issue
Image by Gene -

Jenkins Secret with Special Characters Gets Truncated in Shell Script: A Comprehensive Guide to Resolving the Issue

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Are you tired of struggling with Jenkins secrets getting truncated in shell scripts due to special characters? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue is more common than you think, and it’s high time someone provided a clear and concise solution. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Jenkins secrets, special characters, and shell scripts, and provide a step-by-step guide to resolving this pesky problem once and for all.

What’s the Issue?

When working with Jenkins, you often need to store sensitive information like passwords, API keys, or certificates as secrets. These secrets are then used in shell scripts to automate tasks, deploy applications, or interact with external services. However, when these secrets contain special characters like !, @, #, or $, Jenkins truncates them, rendering the script ineffective.

Why Does This Happen?

The reason behind this truncation lies in how Jenkins handles special characters. When you create a secret in Jenkins, it’s stored as a string. However, when you reference this secret in a shell script, Jenkins passes it as an argument, which is not parsed correctly. The shell script treats the special characters as command separators or modifiers, causing the secret to get truncated.

Solution Overview

To resolve this issue, we’ll employ a combination of techniques:

  • Properly escaping special characters in the secret
  • Using a safe way to pass the secret as an argument to the shell script
  • Configuring Jenkins to handle special characters correctly

Step 1: Escaping Special Characters in the Secret

The first step is to ensure that the secret is properly escaped to prevent the shell from misinterpreting the special characters. You can do this by wrapping the secret in single quotes (‘) or double quotes (“”) and escaping each special character using a backslash (\).

secret='mysecretpassword!@#' => secret='mysecretpassword\!\@#' or secret="mysecretpassword!@#"

Important Note:

Remember to escape all special characters, including those that might not seem problematic at first, like parentheses, brackets, or carets. Failing to do so may lead to unexpected behavior or errors in your shell script.

Step 2: Passing the Secret as an Argument to the Shell Script

To pass the secret as an argument to the shell script, you’ll need to use a safe method that doesn’t involve direct argument passing. One approach is to write the secret to a temporary file and then read it from the script.


# Write the secret to a temporary file
echo "${SECRET}" > /tmp/secret.txt

# Read the secret from the file in the script

Why This Works:

By writing the secret to a temporary file, you avoid passing it as an argument, which eliminates the possibility of truncation. The script can then read the secret from the file, ensuring that it remains intact.

Step 3: Configuring Jenkins to Handle Special Characters Correctly

To configure Jenkins to handle special characters correctly, you'll need to adjust the way it passes arguments to the shell script. One approach is to use the "Single quotes around arguments" option in the Jenkins job configuration.

Jenkins Version Configuration Option
Older versions (pre-2.289) Single quote the shell script arguments
Newer versions (2.289 and later) Shell Script Argument quoting set to Single quotes around arguments

Alternatively, you can also use the "Parameterized Shell Script" option, which provides more flexibility and control over argument passing.

Putting it All Together

Now that we've covered the individual steps, let's integrate them into a comprehensive example.

# Jenkins Secret with special characters

# Write the secret to a temporary file
echo "${SECRET}" > /tmp/secret.txt

# Read the secret from the file in the script

The Result:

With these steps combined, you should now be able to pass Jenkins secrets with special characters to shell scripts without truncation. Give it a try and see the magic happen!


Resolving the issue of Jenkins secrets getting truncated in shell scripts due to special characters requires a combination of escaping, safe argument passing, and correct Jenkins configuration. By following the steps outlined in this article, you'll be able to confidently work with secrets containing special characters and take your automation game to the next level. Remember to stay vigilant when working with sensitive information and always prioritize security and best practices.

Happy automating, and may your secrets remain intact!

  1. Check your Jenkins version and adjust the configuration accordingly.
  2. Verify that you've escaped all special characters in the secret.
  3. Test your shell script thoroughly to ensure it's working as expected.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Share your experiences and tips in the comments below, and let's build a community of automation enthusiasts!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about "Jenkins Secret with Special Characters Gets Truncated in Shell Script":

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Jenkins secrets and special characters in shell scripts!

Why does my Jenkins secret with special characters get truncated in my shell script?

This truncation issue occurs because special characters in Jenkins secrets are not properly escaped or encoded. When you pass the secret to a shell script, the shell interprets the special characters, causing the secret to be truncated.

How can I prevent Jenkins from truncating my secret with special characters?

To prevent truncation, you can encode your secret using base64 or URL encoding before passing it to your shell script. This ensures that special characters are properly escaped and preserved.

What are some common special characters that cause truncation issues in Jenkins secrets?

Common special characters that can cause truncation issues include ampersands (&), semicolons (;), colons (:), and pipe symbols (|). If your secret contains any of these characters, it's essential to encode them properly to avoid truncation.

Can I use environment variables to pass my Jenkins secret with special characters to my shell script?

Yes, you can use environment variables to pass your Jenkins secret with special characters to your shell script. Just be sure to wrap the secret in double quotes and escape any special characters using proper shell escaping techniques.

Are there any Jenkins plugins that can help me handle secrets with special characters in my shell script?

Yes, there are several Jenkins plugins, such as the Jenkins Credentials Plugin and the EnvInject Plugin, that can help you handle secrets with special characters in your shell script. These plugins provide features like credential storage, encryption, and variable injection to simplify secret management.