How to Render a Static SVG in Shiny for Python: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Render a Static SVG in Shiny for Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of using raster images in your Shiny for Python applications? Do you want to take advantage of the scalability and flexibility of SVGs? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to render a static SVG in Shiny for Python with ease. So, let’s dive right in!

What is Shiny for Python?

Shiny is a popular framework for building web applications in R and Python. It allows you to create interactive, web-based dashboards and visualizations that can be easily shared with others. Shiny for Python is a relatively new addition to the Shiny family, but it’s quickly gaining popularity among Python developers.

What are SVGs?

SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics) are a type of vector image that can be scaled up or down without losing quality. Unlike raster images (such as PNGs or JPEGs), SVGs are made up of lines and curves defined by mathematical equations, which makes them perfect for graphics that need to be resized or animated.

Why Use SVGs in Shiny for Python?

There are several reasons why you might want to use SVGs in Shiny for Python:

  • Scalability: SVGs can be scaled up or down without losing quality, making them perfect for responsive designs.
  • Flexibility: SVGs can be easily animated, manipulated, and styled using CSS and JavaScript.
  • Small file size: SVGs are often smaller in file size than raster images, making them ideal for web applications.
  • Accessibility: SVGs can be easily translated into Braille and can be read by screen readers, making them more accessible to users with disabilities.

Rendering a Static SVG in Shiny for Python

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get started with rendering a static SVG in Shiny for Python!

Step 1: Create Your SVG File

The first step is to create your SVG file. You can do this using a vector graphics editor like Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, or even a text editor like Sublime Text.

<svg width="100" height="100">
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="blue" />

Save your SVG file as “my/svg/file.svg” and make sure it’s in the same directory as your Shiny Python script.

Step 2: Create Your Shiny Python Script

Next, create a new Python script and import the necessary libraries:

import shiny
from shiny import ui, App, render, html

# Create the UI
ui = html.div(
    html.h1("My SVG App"),,,
    html. img(src="my/svg/file.svg", height="100px", width="100px")

# Create the app
app = App(ui)

# Run the app
if __name__ == "__main__":

In this script, we’re importing the necessary libraries, creating a simple UI with an `

` header and an `` tag that points to our SVG file, and then running the app.

Step 3: Run the App

Finally, run your Shiny Python script using Python:


This will launch your Shiny app in your default web browser. You should see your SVG file rendered beautifully!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you’re having trouble getting your SVG to render, don’t worry! Here are some common issues and how to fix them:

Issue Solution
SVG file not found Make sure your SVG file is in the same directory as your Shiny Python script, and that the file path is correct.
SVG not rendering Check that your SVG file is valid and that there are no syntax errors. You can use the W3C SVG Validator to check your file.
SVG not scaling correctly Make sure you’ve set the `width` and `height` attributes correctly in your SVG file, and that you’re using the correct units (e.g. `px` or `%`).


And that’s it! Rendering a static SVG in Shiny for Python is a breeze. With these simple steps, you can add scalable, flexible, and accessible graphics to your Shiny applications. Remember to troubleshoot any issues that come up, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different SVG editors and styling options to get the look you want.

Additional Resources

If you want to learn more about Shiny for Python, SVGs, or web development in general, here are some additional resources to check out:

Happy coding, and don’t forget to show off your Shiny SVG skills!

Here is the FAQ page about rendering a static SVG in Shiny for Python:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your most pressing questions about rendering a static SVG in Shiny for Python!

What is the simplest way to render a static SVG in Shiny for Python?

You can use the `html` function in Shiny to render a static SVG. Simply create an HTML string that includes the SVG code and pass it to the `html` function. For example: `html(““)`.

How do I load an external SVG file in Shiny for Python?

You can use the `includeHTML` function in Shiny to load an external SVG file. For example: `includeHTML(“my_svg_file.svg”)`. This function includes the contents of the file as HTML, allowing you to render the SVG.

Can I use a Python library like Matplotlib to generate an SVG and then render it in Shiny?

Yes, you can! Use Matplotlib to generate an SVG and then render it in Shiny using the `html` function. For example: `html(matplotlib.svg2html(matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(“my_plot.svg”)))`.

How do I style my SVG in Shiny for Python?

You can use CSS to style your SVG in Shiny for Python. Simply include a `style` attribute in your SVG code or use an external CSS file to define styles for your SVG elements.

Can I interact with my SVG in Shiny for Python?

Yes, you can! Use Shiny’s built-in interactive features, such as `reactive` expressions and `observeEvent`, to create interactive SVG visualizations. For example, you can use a dropdown menu to change the data displayed in your SVG.