After Upgrading to Java 21: Solving the Mysterious Case of Shutting Down AWS ECS Fargate Tasks
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After Upgrading to Java 21: Solving the Mysterious Case of Shutting Down AWS ECS Fargate Tasks

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If you’ve recently upgraded to Java 21 and noticed that your AWS ECS Fargate tasks are shutting down unexpectedly, you’re not alone. Many developers have reported this issue, and it’s causing quite a stir in the Java and AWS communities. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the depths of this problem and emerge with a solution that’ll get your tasks running smoothly again.

The Symptoms: A MysteriousShutdown

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a closer look at the symptoms. If you’re experiencing this issue, you might notice that your Fargate tasks are shutting down abruptly, often with no apparent reason or error message. It’s as if the task is simply vanishing into thin air, leaving you with more questions than answers.

  • Your task might be running for a few minutes or even hours before shutting down.
  • There might be no error messages or logs indicating the cause of the shutdown.
  • You might notice an increase in task failures orrestarts.

The Culprit: Java 21’s Changes to Garbage Collection

The root cause of this issue lies in the changes made to Java 21’s garbage collection mechanism. In Java 21, the Garbage-First (G1) garbage collector is the default, and it’s more aggressive than its predecessors. This newfound aggression can lead to issues with Fargate tasks, especially if your application is not optimized for the new GC algorithm.

java -XX:+UseG1GC -Xmx2048m -Xms512m

In the above code snippet, we’re telling Java to use the G1 garbage collector with a maximum heap size of 2048m and an initial heap size of 512m. While this configuration might work for smaller applications, it can lead to issues with larger applications or those with high memory requirements.

Solution 1: Tweaking Java Options for Fargate Tasks

To combat the shutdown issue, we can tweak the Java options for our Fargate tasks. By adjusting the garbage collection settings, we can reduce the likelihood of shutdowns and improve overall task stability.

Flag Description
-XX:+UseG1GC Enables the G1 garbage collector
-XX:+UseShenandoahGC Enables the Shenandoah garbage collector
-Xmx Sets the maximum heap size
-Xms Sets the initial heap size
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis Sets the maximum pause time for garbage collection
-XX:GCTimeRatio Sets the ratio of garbage collection time to application execution time

Here’s an example of an updated Java command that incorporates these flags:

java -XX:+UseShenandoahGC -Xmx4096m -Xms1024m -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:GCTimeRatio=19

In this example, we’re using the Shenandoah garbage collector, which is known for its low-pause-times and high-throughput. We’re also increasing the maximum heap size to 4096m and the initial heap size to 1024m. Additionally, we’re setting the maximum pause time for garbage collection to 200 milliseconds and the garbage collection time ratio to 19.

Solution 2: Optimizing Your Application for Java 21

Tweaking Java options is just the first step in solving the shutdown issue. To ensure long-term stability, you should also optimize your application for Java 21’s new garbage collection mechanism.

  1. Review your application’s memory usage: Take a closer look at your application’s memory usage and identify areas where optimization is possible. You can use tools like VisualVM or Java Mission Control to analyze your application’s memory footprint.

  2. Use efficient data structures: Make sure you’re using efficient data structures that minimize memory allocation and garbage collection. For example, consider using arrays instead of lists or using off-heap memory allocation.

  3. Avoid unnecessary object creation: Reduce unnecessary object creation, which can lead to increased garbage collection activity. Use techniques like object pooling or caching to minimize object creation.

  4. Use Java 21’s built-in garbage collection logging: Enable garbage collection logging to gain insights into your application’s garbage collection activity. This can help you identify areas for optimization.

Solution 3: Monitoring and Debugging Fargate Tasks

Even with optimized Java options and an optimized application, it’s essential to monitor and debug your Fargate tasks to ensure they’re running smoothly.

Here are some monitoring and debugging strategies you can use:

  • Log analysis: Analyze your task logs to identify patterns or errors that might indicate a shutdown.
  • CloudWatch metrics: Use CloudWatch metrics to monitor task performance and identify potential issues.
  • X-Ray tracing: Use X-Ray tracing to gain visibility into your task’s execution and identify bottlenecks or issues.
  • Debugging tools: Use debugging tools like Java Flight Recorder or VisualVM to analyze your task’s performance and identify issues.


Upgrading to Java 21 can bring many benefits, but it also requires some adjustments to ensure smooth sailing with AWS ECS Fargate tasks. By tweaking Java options, optimizing your application, and monitoring/debugging your tasks, you can overcome the mysterious case of shutting down Fargate tasks and ensure your applications run smoothly and efficiently.

Remember, the key to solving this issue lies in understanding the changes made to Java 21’s garbage collection mechanism and adapting your application and Fargate tasks accordingly. With the right approach, you can harness the power of Java 21 and AWS ECS Fargate to build scalable and efficient applications that deliver exceptional performance.

Frequently Asked Question

Have you recently upgraded to Java 21 and noticed that your AWS ECS Fargate tasks are shutting down unexpectedly? You’re not alone! We’ve got the answers to your burning questions.

What could be the reason behind my AWS ECS Fargate tasks shutting down after upgrading to Java 21?

One possible reason could be that the Java 21 upgrade has introduced some compatibility issues with the Fargate runtime. It’s essential to ensure that your application is compatible with Java 21 and the Fargate environment.

Are there any specific Fargate settings I should check to prevent my tasks from shutting down?

Yes, review your Fargate task settings, especially the container instance types, CPU and memory allocation, and the task execution role. Ensure that your task has sufficient resources and permissions to run without interruptions.

Could my application’s logging configuration be causing the tasks to shut down?

It’s possible that your application’s logging configuration is causing issues. Check your logging settings and ensure that they are not consuming excessive resources or causing container crashes. Consider using a logging agent like awslogs or Fluentd to manage your application logs.

How can I troubleshoot and identify the root cause of my tasks shutting down?

To troubleshoot, review your task’s container logs, CloudWatch logs, and system logs to identify any error patterns or warnings. You can also try running your task in debug mode or using a profiling tool like VisualVM or Java Mission Control to gain deeper insights.

Are there any additional resources or support available to help me resolve this issue?

Yes, you can reach out to AWS support for guidance on troubleshooting and resolving Fargate task issues. Additionally, you can explore the AWS documentation, ECS forums, and online communities like Reddit’s r/aws for further assistance and insights from experts and peers.