Assign base object without changing inherited ones? A Comprehensive Guide
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Assign base object without changing inherited ones? A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the pesky issue of modifying inherited objects when you really just want to assign a new base object? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of object-oriented programming and explore the best practices for assigning a base object without altering the inherited ones.

Understanding Inheritance

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming. It allows us to create a new class that is a modified version of an existing class. The new class, also known as the derived class, inherits the properties and behavior of the existing class, known as the base class.

class Animal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The animal makes a sound");

class Dog extends Animal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The dog barks");

In the above example, the `Dog` class inherits the `sound()` method from the `Animal` class and then overrides it with its own implementation.

The Problem: Modifying Inherited Objects

Now, let’s say we want to assign a new base object to the `Dog` class without modifying the inherited `Animal` class. This is where things can get tricky.

class Animal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The animal makes a sound");

class Dog extends Animal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The dog barks");

// trying to assign a new base object
Animal = class NewAnimal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The new animal makes a sound");

// but this modifies the inherited Animal class
var dog = new Dog();
dog.sound(); // outputs "The new animal makes a sound"

As you can see, simply assigning a new base object to the `Animal` class modifies the inherited class, which is not what we want.

Solution 1: Create a New Instance

One way to assign a new base object without modifying the inherited one is to create a new instance of the base class.

class Animal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The animal makes a sound");

class Dog extends Animal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The dog barks");

// create a new instance of the base class
var newAnimal = new (class NewAnimal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The new animal makes a sound");

// assign the new base object to the Dog class
Dog.prototype.__proto__ = newAnimal;

// this doesn't modify the inherited Animal class
var dog = new Dog();
dog.sound(); // outputs "The dog barks"

This solution works, but it can be a bit convoluted and may not be suitable for all scenarios.

Solution 2: Use the `Object.setPrototypeOf()` Method

A more straightforward approach is to use the `Object.setPrototypeOf()` method to assign a new base object.

class Animal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The animal makes a sound");

class Dog extends Animal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The dog barks");

// assign a new base object using Object.setPrototypeOf()
Object.setPrototypeOf(Dog.prototype, Object.create(class NewAnimal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The new animal makes a sound");

// this doesn't modify the inherited Animal class
var dog = new Dog();
dog.sound(); // outputs "The dog barks"

This solution is more concise and easier to understand.

Solution 3: Use a Mixin

If you’re using a modern JavaScript framework or library, you may be able to use a mixin to assign a new base object.

class Animal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The animal makes a sound");

class Dog extends Animal {
  sound() {
    console.log("The dog barks");

// define a mixin for the new base object
let newAnimalMixin = {
  sound() {
    console.log("The new animal makes a sound");

// create a new class that extends the mixin
class NewDog extends Dog {
  constructor() {
    Object.assign(this, newAnimalMixin);

// this doesn't modify the inherited Animal class
var dog = new NewDog();
dog.sound(); // outputs "The dog barks"

This solution is more modular and flexible, but may require additional setup.


Assigning a new base object without modifying the inherited one can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques, it can be achieved. In this article, we explored three solutions: creating a new instance, using the `Object.setPrototypeOf()` method, and using a mixin. By following these approaches, you can ensure that your object-oriented programming endeavors are successful and efficient.

Solution Description
Create a new instance Create a new instance of the base class and assign it to the derived class.
Use the `Object.setPrototypeOf()` method Use the `Object.setPrototypeOf()` method to assign a new base object.
Use a mixin Use a mixin to define a new base object and extend the derived class with it.

Remember to choose the solution that best fits your specific use case and coding style.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why can’t I just modify the inherited class?

    Modifying the inherited class can have unintended consequences, such as breaking existing functionality or affecting other classes that inherit from the same base class.

  • Can I use these solutions with other programming languages?

    While the solutions provided are specific to JavaScript, similar concepts and techniques can be applied to other object-oriented programming languages.

  • Are there any performance implications?

    The performance implications of these solutions are generally minimal, but may vary depending on the specific use case and implementation.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights and solutions for assigning a new base object without modifying the inherited one. Happy coding!

Word Count: 1066

Keywords: Assign base object, inherited objects, object-oriented programming, JavaScript, inheritance, mixin, `Object.setPrototypeOf()` method.

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Assign base object without changing inherited ones?” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on how to assign base objects without messing with the inherited ones!

Can I assign a new base object without modifying the inherited instances?

Yes, you can! In most programming languages, assigning a new base object won’t affect the inherited instances. The new base object will only impact future instances created from it.

What happens if I reassign the base object’s properties?

If you reassign the base object’s properties, it won’t affect the inherited instances that already exist. However, any new instances created from the base object will reflect the changes.

Can I reset the base object to its original state?

In many cases, yes, you can reset the base object to its original state. This might involve reassigning the original properties or using a “reset” method, depending on the language and implementation.

What if I want to update all inherited instances with the new base object’s properties?

That’s a more complex scenario! In some languages, you might need to iterate through all inherited instances and update their properties manually. In others, there might be built-in mechanisms or libraries that can help you achieve this.

Are there any performance considerations when assigning a new base object?

Depending on the language and the size of your project, assigning a new base object might have performance implications. For example, if you’re dealing with a large number of instances, the reassignment process could be slow or even cause memory leaks.